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Regular Events

First and Third Sunday 8:00 am Bible Study, 
Every Sunday 9:30 am Worship and Church School
Every Sunday 10:30 am Fellowship Hour
Sunday 5:30 - 7:00 pm (schedule varies) Confirmation Class
Every Tuesday 7:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous
Every Saturday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Thrift Shop and Food Bank
First Sunday Service of Holy Communion
First & Third Tuesday 6:30 pm Lions Club Supper
First Wednesday 10:00 am Poland Extension Group
Second Wednesday 11:30 am Ladies Guild Meeting
Third Wednesday 7:30 pm Poland Historical Society
Third Thursday 11:00 am Ricker Senior Citizens of Poland
Pastor holds regular office hours Wednesday and Thursday; app.'s can be made by phoning 998-3465

Committee Meetings

First Sunday 8:00 am Christian Ed.

First Wednesday 7:00 pm Deacon's meeting

Second Sunday 8:00 am Trustee's meeting

Third Sunday following Sunday Service Standing Committee Meeting 

Study and Fellowship

Sunday School is provided for children throughout the year. Utilizing the Whole People of God curriculum, our youth program is headed by Debbie Letourneau (youth coordinator). Our confirmation program utilizes the UCC Affirming Our Faith materials and is led by Heather Bingelis and Reverend Jones. There is also a regular bible study offered twice monthly which is open to all. From time to time adult studies are offered as needs arise. There are many opportunities for fellowship as members gather after worship, work in committees and boards, and volunteer for fund raising projects. There are study opportunities in retreat and church settings sponsored by the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ.

Seasonal Services

Advent First Sunday: Hanging of the greens. Christmas Eve. Lent: Ash Wednesday - Palm Sunday - Maundy Thursday - Good Friday - Easter Vigil

About Us

Poland Community Church supports the shared ministry of the Maine Conference and the United Church of Christ throughout the world. Two special offerings are taken to provide relief for disaster victims around the world, and to support ministries in the US.

  1. NIN - Neighbors In Need
  2. OCWM - Our Church's Wider Mission

The thrift Store and the Food Pantry have been outreach ministries for many years. They are open each Saturday.

For More Information

For more information on the church or the United Church of Christ, ask the Pastor, visit the main UCC web site the Maine Conference UCC web site or e-mail us at